Our Lizzy turned 6 toward the end of June. I have been a little preoccupied to blog lately, but didn't want to pass up the chance to brag about my beautiful girl. Lizzy's birthday is one of the highlight's of the year for her. She was really disappointed to find out her dad would be out of town on her birthday, but we were able to turn it around and she had a great day. She chose to have mud-pie and it had to have purple writing and a princess on top. We put Merida from Brave on the cake since we were going to go see the movie for her b-day. Our friends, the Hyuns, came to have dinner with us which also made it special.
Lizzy is such a fun, imaginative girl. She loves to play make-believe and is always coming up with some new world to live in. She also loves to swim, play outside and read. One of the things we got her for her birthday was a reading light. Best-gift-ever. Her reading really took off a few months ago and she loves to read and will finish a magic tree house book in a hour. I cannot get enough of them and other books from the library. I LOVE that she loves to read as I do too! Liz is also a GREAT big sister and helps me out so much. She can't wait to have her baby sister here and is insisting we name her Tulip (I bet she will be the only one calling her that).
Lizzy also is always up for an adventure and loves to ask me, "Mom, what do you have planned for us today?" Let me tell you, it is hard to keep up with the girl, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
This past week we went on vacation so I included a few pics from our trip on the Oregon Coast, On Sunday, July 15th, she was brushing her teeth and out came her tooth. It was the first one that she lost and she was so excited to put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. I guess this means she is really growing up! (Sniff!)
Children's Books
4 weeks ago