James received a bike for his birthday back in November. He attempted to ride it in the garage a couple of times, but let's face it, its just not bike weather. For Christmas he received a razor scooter and has taken every opportunity to ride it as he used to ride Lizzy's. He has gotten really good at it and can fly. His balance is amazing. Our goal for James this year was to learn to ride his bike. Now that we live in a flat neighborhood we new it would be a lot easier to accomplish. Saturday was beautiful and we decided it was the day. James got on his bike. Adam barely started him before he pedaled off like he has been doing it forever. He would go about 20 feet before slamming on the brakes, which he thought was fun. It was frustrating because we could tell he could do it no problem, but he just wanted to ride his razor. I did what any good mom would do and bribed him. I told him that if he could ride around the entire culd-a-sac around the corner from our house without stopping once we could go to red robin. Sold. He didn't do it Saturday, but we had some extra time yesterday. The first time, he went and stopped. I pumped him up saying, "are you gonna do it?" and he would yell, "yes!" That was all it took. Red Robin was yummy. Now to get him to start pedaling on his own...

In other news, James has been attending preschool and learning to write his name. I thought he only knew a few letters, but I came into the office and found this precious paper on the desk!