Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last night in Taiwan

Our last night in Taiwan, Feb 7th, our friends threw us a going away party. It was sweet and sad. It was great to be around the people that we have loved to be with for the last 2 1/2 years, but hard to say goodbye. Lizzy had a lot of fun playing with her friends, but after she had hugged the last one goodbye and they went out the door she broke down crying and told me that she didn't want to go to America. It made me super sad to see her so sad. It was hard for me to say goodbye to our friends as well and hopefully our paths will cross again. Here are some of the people that we love (for those of you not pictured sorry we didn't get a picture)

James, Adam, Liz, Kay, Nicole, Jaydn, & Cody
Erin and Kay
Lucas and Lizzy
Ben making his fried rice
Lucas, Aly and Lizzy
Sadie and James
Adam and Shaun
Kay and Lori
James, Adam, Ben and Sally
Levi, Camille and Sydney
Sidney, Bishop, Levi, Carrie, Quinn. Second Row Reid, Kay, Liz, James, Adam. Front: Aidan


Jennifer said...

We've been gone for almost 8 months and we still think about Taiwan and our friends from there daily. It definitely got under our skin. We hope you're settling back in well. Len's off work this week so we can finish the unpacking/organizing/decorating- I was going crazy. We hope our paths cross again too!

Nicole said...

Loved having one last party with you! Miss you. It was great to talk to you the other day!