Sunday, September 19, 2010

You are Special

Conversation tonight driving home from a friends:

Lizzy: Mom, why did I get to stay up late?
Mom: Because you are special
Lizzy: I am not special
Mom: Why do you say that?
Lizzy: Jesus made me wrong, I wanted black hair

I guess she still has identity issues and wants to look like an Asian.


Lydia said...

Hahaha...but Lizzy you are so beautiful in your blonde curly hair.

The Hedquists said...

I just have to send her a little black ringlet do-rag from the apple store. Tie it on for the instant Asian look!

Nicole said...

hahahahaha. That is hilarious! Her blond curls are adorable. One day she'll realize how many people would kill for her hair! :)

Britt said...

HHAHAHA oh that is funny, I just read that to Grandma and we both had a laugh. Hope you are doing well and Grandma asks if you have bad rain storms and lightings ans she is happy for you.