Don't you just love technology? Due to my "advanced maternal age" as my doctor likes to say I got to have a fancier ultrasound.
We are having a boy! Don't you just love him already? Adam and I are amazed we didn't see chubby cheeks as both Liz and James had the cheeks even at the 20 week ultrasound. He is due February 18th on my Dad's Birthday. If you have any name suggestions we would love to hear them as naming a boy is HARD!
We took James with us to the ultrasound and he kept looking at the screen and saying "Dinosaur, Dinosaur". Well I guess I could see that. (to say James Loves dinosaurs is an understatement)
Liz was at school during the appointment. She is going to be disappointed that she isn't getting a sister, but I think I prepared her enough that she will be OK. Funny story though. Yesterday in between conference sessions we skyped with Adam's parents. Cindy is always making a baby blanket during conference and she showed us her current project which was a dinosaur blanket. Lizzy saw it and immediate said, "Grandma, you know if it's a baby sister you are going to have to start over and make a princess one". Lucky Grandma guessed right!
***So I picked up Lizzy from school and handed her the pictures from the ultrasound. She said, "Mom, this looks like James" I said, "no, that is the baby that is in my tummy right now". Liz said, "It looks like a baby brother" I said, "It is a baby brother, are you OK with that?" Liz: "Yeah! A new baby brother!"
Children's Books
4 weeks ago
All right!! Congratulations on a little baby boy! You could name him Clark (one of my favorites, but Kyle won't let me use it since our child would be a "C"hicken). I also love Scott and Aaron. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!
Congratulations, you guys! Ben will be jealous! I love James' dinosaur comments--it's always funny to hear what they think! Hope you're feeling well!!
Yay! Another boy! Caleb says you should name him Silver or Ammon. Good luck finding a name that's not already used in your family somewhere. It's hard! I think Bob or Bubba would be the easiest names for a kid to say. Mine always seem to start out saying Bs first.:) Again, good luck! Hope you are feeling well!
Cute, cute, cute. What an adorable baby boy. You two produce the cutest kids, so of course, this one is too!!! :) Erin and I were just talking the other day how your kids are so cute they could model in the States for real. Cute story too--I'm glad Lizzy is okay with it. I'm so excited for you! Congrats!!
Woo who! Another boy cousin for Ammon to play with. I was hoping you were going to have a boy. I don't like Clark--it's Dennis' 1st name (no offense to your friend). I have always liked Dallin, Mark, and William. Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for sending me a link to my email. I'm so bad at checking blogs, even though yours is awesome.
Love it!! he looks just like Adam! Continue the theme of bible names! Liz is just so smart! James always crackes me up!
Congrats! We are excited for you. I think Cindy has a good idea, keep going with the Bible names or maybe a BOM name. Love you all!
February 18th is my dad's birthday too- how weird is that? That is a fun due date for you I think, and easy to remember for me :)
First of all, I am excited to see another Robinson baby boy- the Taiwan modeling industry alone would probably move y'all back to make good use of him :)
Names....hmm.... I like John. I like Michael. I like Aaron. I could get crazier but I think you'd lose interst, ha!
Are you feeling better yet?
Congratulations on your littlest dinosaur :) What fun news!! Did you NEVER visit the Utah names list during your last pregnancy? There are real treasures there. My favorites are anything that begin with "La" (LaVerle), or "De" (DeEarl). Of course you could always combine the two for the ultimate name. . . DeLaVerne. Choose your favorites:
What a good sister welcoming the cutest baby dinosaur! :) This is so far the best news we've heard for the last couple of weeks here in Shenyang!! Congrats, you guys!
Thanks for all the comments. I love you all. Lori I remember you telling me about the Utah names list. Hee Hhee I am sure we will find a real gem on there (At least we have 4 more months!)
Hey girls, no knocking Laverl--that was Cody's grandma's name. No joke. And don't you worry, Cody and siblings made sure to call her that (not to her face of course), for that very reason. Don't steal the name, we may be using it... :)
Yipeee! I am way excited for you!!!
Suuuuuper CUTE!!! I want to hold him already. What a funny story and I can so imagine Lizzy face when she says all those things, I know she's gonna be a great helper. I hope the sickness has eneded for you. Names...hmm...let me get on it.
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! We are so excited for you!!! He is such a little cutie, but of course he would be- your children are gorgeous! Miss you =).
What a great ultrasound shot! So excited for you guys! Hope you are feeling better now... Boys names?? Well I ran out after my first two - found #3- Aidan in a novel I was reading and borrowed #4 - Reid from one of my best friends who had a son by the same name! (She is a great sharer!). So, I am about out of ideas... My young adult kids like Sawyer and Colter. I checked out the Utah name list - what a crack up! Particular favs that jumped out at me include: Chevrollette, Rouchy, and Durango. btw Lori - my mother's name is LaVern, her twin is LaVaun and neither is from Utah! :-)
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