My sweet James had his birthday this past Saturday. Can I just tell you how much I love this kid? He is always happy....I mean always. He wakes up so happy that it makes me either try to be happier when I wake in the morning or sick that someone can always be that happy upon waking. I appreciate his bright, teasing smile. He is full of personality and is always making us laugh. When people used to ask him how old he was he would say, "The Big 3". We then asked him, "how old will you turn on your birthday?" His reply was "Big 4". To celebrate his birthday we went to his favorite place on Friday: the zoo. Just as we left the lion viewing area, he started making noise. The kids stopped dead in their tracks and said, "what was that?" The lion, I said. "We better check that out" they ran back to see and hear the lion roar. awesome! On his actual b-day we took James to see Wreck-It Ralph and then to dinner at his favorite restaurant, red robin. His preschool teacher had made him a birthday crown and he insisted on wearing it so they would know to sing to him. After dinner, we went home with grandma, grandpa and aunt Megan for birthday cake. James loves to watch discovery channel type shows and his current favorite is monster trucks so he had a monster truck cake. I really wish I would have recorded him opening presents. He was so animated and excited for every single one including the chocolate bar from grandma. The kid LOVES chocolate. I am so happy James had a great birthday. The next day at church he told everyone he saw he was going home to play star wars Lego's with dad. I loved how I got the boot when Adam came home from a meeting and he informed Liz that it was a boy project and that she could play another time. He is becoming more assertive and has a huge heart. Love you James!
P.S. I apparently exceeded my photo limit so I need to figure it out. Until then, enjoy the other photos on my blog.
Children's Books
4 weeks ago