It feels like we have not gone anywhere for a long time since our life has been consumed with other things at home. I thought it would be nice to head to Pasco for the Holiday weekend. In 10 years of marriage Adam and I have never gone to Pasco for Memorial Day. We had a nice trip to Pasco despite the extra 30 minutes it took due to traffic. On the way we pass Ensign Ranch, which is a church campground where we have camped before. I said, "Look kids, it's Ensign Ranch". James then said, " No Mom, It's Outside ranch. It was pretty funny.
Also, when we started driving through Ellensburg, James looked out his window and said, "Look, it's the pinwheels!" We realized he was talking about the windmills that dot the hills. Didn't know he called them pinwheels!
The kids had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. James and Luke were in heaven as they got to ride 4-wheelers all day. What kid wouldn't be in heaven?
Monday, we went to the cemetery to celebrate memorial day. It is a tradition in my family to gather there each memorial day and to visit our deceased relatives and reminisce about My Grandpa Bleazard. We always have a little program. My Grandpa Tunem (my mom's dad), cousin Jena, and Great Aunt Doris (Grandma Bleazard's sister) are all buried there. During the program this time Grandma told us some stories about Grandpa. She was telling my cousins wife, how in our church we have what is called a Patriarchal Blessing which gives us guidance for our life. In Grandpa's it mentioned how his life would be preserved on several occasions. When World War 2 came, Grandpa listed in the air core. He was training to be a paratrooper. One day he took a jump out of a plane and his chute didn't open until right before hitting a tree. As he hit the tree, his leg was broken. His life was saved that he didn't die from the jump, but also that he didn't have to go overseas to fight. Another time on the farm, Grandpa came inside from work and Grandma mentioned to him that the bull had gotten out again and needed to be put back in the pen. Grandpa said that he would go and do it. He grabbed a pitchfork and headed over to where the bull was. On his way he walked by a 2x4 and decided to grab it. When he got to the bull it started charging him. He threw the 2x4 at his head and it hit him right between the eyes. The bull stopped in hits tracks. Grandpa was able to use the pitchfork and put the bull back in the pen with no problem. Another way his life was preserved.
Grandma also talked about how much Grandpa loved the grand kids and if they didn't come over to the house he would ask Grandma what she did to them to make them stay away. This was hilarious to me as I know Grandma loves the grand kids more than anything. My aunts spoke about how much he really loved the babies. When Aunt Cindy had her 5th child, Jason, he had some heart problems and had to go to the hospital in Spokane which is a 2 hour drive away. Apparently, my Grandfather had some sort of heart murmur and blamed himself for Jason's illness even though it was something that was not his fault and not hereditary or anything. Aunt Cindy said, that Grandma and Grandpa drove all the way to Spokane just to check on Jason and make sure he was OK and that meant a lot to them.
I wish I would have recorded my grandma talking, but I was mesmerized by the stories and didn't want to break away. Lastly, I want to mention that Grandpa was born in 1919. The picture got cut off.
After the cemetery, we all went to Granny's buffet for lunch. It was so fun and Lizzy loved that she got to sit by Ashley, Emily and Sarah. They even taught her how to braid Emily's hair and she hasn't stopped talking about it!
After lunch, grandma and grandpa took the kids to get them a book for the way home and then we went to the park. It was such a great weekend and I love being with my family!
Children's Books
5 weeks ago
OOHHH I love that! Grandma is so funny. I have recorded her a few times without her knowing but those won't be published till she passes and can't get to mad about it. I really wish I would have recorded more of her.
How fun to be with the Bleazards. Thanks Kay!
I have been thinking the same thing--about recording her stories! I wish I was closer so I could do that. Thanks for sharing the stories! Memorial Day always makes me kinda homesick for WA and the family. Glad you could be there, Kay!
those are great stories and what a special tradition. thanks for sharing.
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