Saturday, June 11, 2011

Father & Sons

Adam, James, his dinosaur and Grandpa Robinson headed up to cascade park on Friday, 5/20 for the annual father and sons camp out. It was the most beautiful weekend. They had a great time. Adam took lots of pictures of Grandpa and James, but none of him and James. They played in the sand at the river, on the playground, and with new friends. James is in love with camping and keeps asking when he is going in Grandpa's truck again.

The boys came home fairly early since Grandpa had some other obligations so we took a hike down to Meadowdale Beach. We love it there. It was so peaceful. 
Surprise--I could never get Liz and James to smile at the same time.
 Instead of bringing her treasures home, Lizzy opted to just take a picture with them.


Cindy Robinson said...

i don't know who loved the camping trip more, grandpa or james!

Marie said...

Can't tell by looking at the pictures who enjoyed camping more. I think it is a toss up! I am sure they both loved it! Great pics Adam. You are awesome!