Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tulips & the Temple

Our friends invited us to go and see the open house for the LDS Vancouver Temple last weekend. . I was excited for Lizzy to be able to see the inside of a temple as ones that are dedicated are only open to those with a special recommend. On our way we stopped at the annual tulip festival held in Mt. Vernon. It was a beautiful day.

The temple was a good experience as well. It could have been a little better if we had let James run around for 30 minutes or so before the tour. The true problem was a lady with her guide dog was on our tour so every room we went to he would yell "Dog" at the top of his lungs and run to pet the dog. I truly felt sorry for those who were there to really learn about the temple. Adam and I tried to remove him from the room as the tour guide spoke. I also remember entering the celestial room in the temple and having such an overwhelming feeling of peace. Lizzy really enjoyed the trip to and keeps asking when we can go back.
We spend the night in Vancouver and headed to the aquarium in the morning due to the rain.

After lunch it quit raining long enough for us a to do an awesome hike across a suspension bridge before catching dinner and heading home. Thanks to the Hyuns and Kersavages for a great trip!


Amanda said...

wow so beautiful! love the tulips and the Temple pics how fun for Lizzy to go. And the hike looks amazing! We want to come out that way and explore some day! Hope your move goes well! 10 minutes from the beach! huh we might have to come visit and stay in a hotel and meet you at the beach! Have a great weekend! Lizzy looks great in glasses btw the kids miss her and she and James are growing so much! Miss you guys.

ej said...

What are the chances that a DOG would be touring the temple, let alone in the same group as you?! Poor James. That's not even fair. :) I love all of the pictures, gorgeous scenery.
PS- YAY for a move date!!!!