Monday, April 5, 2010

What have we been up to?

We have been back in the US for almost 2 months now. It is hard to believe how fast the time has flown. We have been enjoying ourselves despite missing Taiwan and our friends among other things. So what have we been doing?

We bought Lizzy a bike and she loves to ride it. This isn't the best picture of her, but do you notice how BLUE the sky is?

We have been reconnecting with old friends!!! We have missed you!

The cousins came to visit and we went to the aquarium

Lizzy was so tired at night she did this:

We reconnected with our friends the Ni's and had fun speaking out limited Chinese
We still play at the park all the time. We had one right out our back door at our temp housing:
We have been playing with Grandma and Grandpa

and last, but not least we have been doing a few things around town like the zoo


Nathan and Leone Grimley said...

I can't believe how much James has changed! Miss you guys!

Nicole said...

Looks like you are having a great time being back and staying busy. I would expect nothing less from my good friend, Kay. The blue sky IS amazing. I noticed that when I went to UT; how amazingly blue the sky actually can be!!!! So... have you found out when you are going to SC yet? Any updates? Keep us posted!